Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Sep 2007 19:35    Titel:

"In the picture you can see a fitness center which is open all day. You can see the front side with its entrance which has 3 different kind of stairs. The normal stairs in the middle and 2 escalators on both sides of them. You can also see, that people prefer to use the escalators to come into that building.
But the strange thing is that these escalators aren’t suitable for such a building. People who go to those centers have to move everywhere and every time. Their aim is to get more fitness for their bodies but with those stairs they'll get the opposite.

der letzte satz ist nen bisschen komisch formuliert, sonst geht es aber.
vlt. kannst du die interpretation noch etwas ausführen...

vlt. kannst du zur umgebung des fitness centers noch was sagen.

achso ok!
BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Sep 2007 18:52    Titel: Composition zu einem Bild - bitte meinung

hab heut zum ersten mal eine composition zu einem bild geschrieben. max. waren 80 wörter angegeben, die zu schreiben warn. zudem musste zuerst erklärt werden, was auf dem bild zu sehen ist und was seltsam/unnormal daran ist. hoffe ihr könnt dies beurteilen und ggf. nen lösungsvorschlag geben


On the picture there is a 24 hour fitness center. You can see the front side with its entrance which has 3 different stairs. The normal stairs in the middle and 2 escalators on both sides of them. You also see, that people prefer to use the escalators to come into that building.
But the strange thing is that these escalators aren’t suitable for such a building. People who go to those centers have to move everywhere and every time. Their aim is to get more fitness for their bodies but with those stairs they'll get the opposite.

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