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BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Jul 2007 10:05    Titel:

kann geschlossen werden....
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Jul 2007 20:14    Titel:

keine Anregungen? brauchs morgen^^
BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Jul 2007 20:27    Titel: Kurzen Text korrigieren (John Lennon)


Wir sollten in Englisch a) Die Absicht des Liedes "Imagine" von John Lennon (jedem bekannt) zusammenfassen

Hier mal ein Versuch:

In his song "Imagine" of John Lennon, we are asked to imagine a world, where things like religion,culture, possession, or borders, to make a long story short: things. which make people differ from each other don't exist. Moreover , he wants us to visualize a world, where nobody knows the words starvation, hell or greed and enviousness . This Utopia is to be completed by peace, frienship and a sense of community. At the end of the song, he admits that everybody might think that this is only a dream, but a dream which many people share with him.

b) Was passieren würde wenn dieser Traum war würde schreiben:

If this Utopia came true, all the people in the world would life in a lasting peace. If everybody possessed everything, there would be no enviousness , no greed for money . Furthermore everything would be available for everybody. Consequently nobody would have both a suffering and a lack of food. All residents of the world would live in absolutely peace and harmony, where poverty and misfortune don't matter. To my mind, the people who live in this world will be bored to death, because they don't differ from each other like they do in our world by religion, culture and complexion. In addition, this world would not bear a challenge for its residents. As a result, they would for instance, stop researching or inventing new products, because there is no demand for such things.

Vielelicht wäre jemand mal so nett die beiden Texte aus Sprachrichtigkeit zu überprüfen und ggf. Verbesserungen hinzuschreiben.

Wäre euch sehr verbunden.

Vielen Dank für eure Mühe

Gruß Physi

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