Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Mai 2007 15:59    Titel:

Hi Jack,

wenn du dir unsicher bist, kannst du dir die Definitionen hier ansehen smile

Ich stimme würde in diesem Fall auch "slaughter" einsetzen. Fröhlich
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Mai 2007 19:56    Titel:

1-3 stimmen so.
Bei 4 schwanke ich eher zwischen "killed" und "slaughtered". Das Wort "slaughtered" könnte die Brutalität des Krieges besser hervorheben.
Ansonsten tendiere ich bei 10 noch zu "liberated".
BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Mai 2007 19:33    Titel: Korrektur: Underline the correct word

Kann mir bitte jemand korrigieren, ob ich die richtigen Wörter unterstrichen habe.
(Someties more than one version is possible)

1. Most (countries/lands) in the world have a lower standard of living than the USA.

2. Free access to firearms is a (holy/sacred) cow for the US gun lobby - it doesn´t want any restrictions on the availability of guns.

3. New York, which is America´s biggest (city/town) with over seven million inhabitants, was only a small (city/town) in 1700.

4. At the battle of Gettysburg in 1863 thousands of men in both the Confederate and Union armies were (killed/murdered/slaughtered) in one of the bloodiest battles during the American Civil War.

5. Not all Americans agree with the US government´s (policy/politics) on global warming.

6. When US troops took control of the city, one of the first things they did was to (free/liberate) the prisoners in the jails of the secret police.

7. If we value our (freedom/liberty), we must remain alert - the state is good at finding reasons for reducing it "for our own good".

8. Some Muslim extremists would like to declare a (holy/sacred) war on the USA.

9. It has often been said that (politics/policy) is the art of the possible.

10. The Philippines were only (freed/liberated) from Japanese occupation in the Second Word War after many months of bitter fighting.

11. One of the most basic human rights advocated by Presient Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1940s was (freedom/liberty) form fear.


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