Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 17:30    Titel:

MI hat Folgendes geschrieben:
wobei: "in the future" ist durchaus eine korrekte Übersetzung von "zukünftig". Siehe z.B.: [url=http:/]leo[/url]
Aber es ist schon richtig, das "in future times" vielleicht besser klingt.

Für Mittelstufe und für den täglichen Gebrauch ist's denke ich in Ordnung, stilistisch gesehen. Nur für die gymnasiale Oberstufe würde es wahrscheinlich nicht ganz reichen.


@MI: richtig ---klingt aber , trotz LEO, irgendwie "denglish" Augenzwinkern
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 16:42    Titel:

wobei: "in the future" ist durchaus eine korrekte Übersetzung von "zukünftig". Siehe z.B.: leo
Aber es ist schon richtig, das "in future times" vielleicht besser klingt.

Für Mittelstufe und für den täglichen Gebrauch ist's denke ich in Ordnung, stilistisch gesehen. Nur für die gymnasiale Oberstufe würde es wahrscheinlich nicht ganz reichen.

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 15:02    Titel:

In the past, the technology already changed many things. But what will be changed by technology in the future?

The medicine will probably be better in future times (wenn "in future times" am Ende steht, fällt das Komma da weg). So severe illnesses
could be healed. Perhaps it would also be possible to develop better vaccination against AIDS or illnesses like that.

But there are a lot of other things which can influence our life.

In some years, we’ll perhaps be able to have lessons over the internet. This means that nobody has to leave the house in order to go to school. And maybe poor countries can improve their education standard with the help of the internet, too.

It would also be great if we could help poor countries with technology. The technology can maybe stop the hunger in developing countries. There’s a new technology called genetic engineering which makes it possible to improve yields. We only have to ship the food to the poor countries, I think this would be really helpful for them. Of course more helpful than just sending money.

// edit: uebrigens: VIELEN DANK FUER DIE HiLFE[/quote]
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 14:51    Titel:



In the past, the technology already changed many things. But what will be changed by technology in the future?

The medicine will probably be better, in future times. So severe illnesses
could be healed. Perhaps it would also be possible to develop better vaccination against AIDS or illnesses like that.

But there are a lot of other things which can influence our life.

In some years, we’ll perhaps be able to have lessons over the internet. This means that nobody has to leave the house in order to go to school. And maybe poor countries can improve their education standard with the help of the internet, too.

It would also be great if we could help poor countries with technology. The technology can maybe stop the hunger in developing countries. There’s a new technology called genetic engineering which makes it possible to improve yields. We only have to ship the food to the poor countries, I think this would be really helpful for them. Of course more helpful than just sending money.

// edit: uebrigens: VIELEN DANK FUER DIE HiLFE
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 14:48    Titel:

Hinter Konstruktionen wie "In the past", "In future times" und "In some years" gehört jeweils auch noch ein Komma.
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 14:42    Titel:

Meine Vorschläge. Allerdings könnte man am Stil noch feilen Augenzwinkern

ja ne eigl. hab ich ne 1 in english ^^
relschule @bayern aber du hast schon recht der text ist nix geworden^^
Auch der Inhalt ist nicht so besonders. Mir faellt einfach nichts bessers ein unglücklich unglücklich


In the past the technology already changed many things. But what will be changed by technology in the future?

In future times there will be probably better medicine. So severe illnesses
could be healed. Perhaps it would also be possible to develop better vaccination against AIDS or illnesses like that.

But there are a lot of other things which can influence our life.

In some years we’ll perhaps be able to have lessons over the internet. This means that nobody has to leave the house in order to go to school. And maybe poor countries can improve their education standard with the help of the internet, too.

It would also be great if we could help poor countries with technology. The technology can maybe stop the hunger in developing countries. There’s a new technology called genetic engineering which makes it possible to improve yields. We only have to ship the food to the poor countries, I think this would be really helpful for them. Of course more helpful than just sending money.

ich hab das jetzt so.. besser?
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 14:27    Titel:

Goldenhind hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Ich würde vor "technology" jeweils den Artikel "the" wegnehmen, da es sich nicht um eine bestimmte Technologie handelt, sondern es um Technik im Allgemeinen.

....sowie: nicht "in the future" es gibt nur eine Zukunft, besser ".... in future times"smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 13:40    Titel:

Ich würde vor "technology" jeweils den Artikel "the" wegnehmen, da es sich nicht um eine bestimmte Technologie handelt, sondern es um Technik im Allgemeinen.
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 13:28    Titel: Re: Text auf Fehler durchchecken DRINGEN; Abgabe morgen.

gangster hat Folgendes geschrieben:

In the past the technology has already changed many things. Keine Zeitpunktsangabe, die Veränderungen dauern bis heute an - ich würde zum present-perfect tendieren But what will be changed by the technology in the future? Das "the" könnte man mEn. auch weglassen. Es ist ja das ganze Feld der Technologie gemeint, nicht bloß "DIE Technologie", also eine spezielle.

In the future there will probably be better medicine irgendwas stört mich hier an der Satzstruktur - auch so... vielleicht sollte man auf "the medicine will probably be better" zurückgreifen grübelnd . So severe illnesses could be healed. Perhaps it would also be possible to develop better vaccination against AIDS or illnesses like that.

But there are a lot of other things which can influence our life.

In some years we’ll perhaps be able to have lessons over the internet. This means that nobody has to leave the house in order to go to school. And maybe poor countries can improve their education standard with the help of the internet, too. Ein Land kann ja in dem Sinne keine Bildung haben. Deshalb mein Vorschlag: Allerdings sollte man inhaltlich die Kosten für ein funktionierendes I-Net beachten Augenzwinkern

It would also be great if we could help poor countries with the technology. The technology can maybe stop the hunger in the third world countries. There’s a new technology called genetic engineering which makes it possible to improve yields. "breed food = Essen züchten. Wohl eher nicht. Aber man kann die Erträge steigern. We would only have to ship the food to the poor countries, I think this would be really helpful for them. Of course more helpful than just sending money. ;-)

Meine Vorschläge. Allerdings könnte man am Stil noch feilen Augenzwinkern .
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Feb 2007 12:52    Titel: Text auf Fehler durchchecken DRINGEN; Abgabe morgen.

Hi Leute,

waer echt supi wenn jmd den unten stehenden Text debuggen d.h. auf Fehler untersuchenund diese kurz ausmerzen.
Waer total toll wenn das noch heut kurz geguckt werden koennte!

Tausend Dank!


In the past the technology already changed many things. But what will be changed by the technology in the future?

In the future there will be probably better medicine. So severe illnesses
could be healed. Perhaps it would also be possible to develop better vaccinations against AIDS or illnesses like that.

But there are a lot of other things which can influence our life.

In some years we’ll perhaps be able to have lessons over the internet. This means that nobody has to leave the house in order to go to school. And maybe poor countries can get some better education over the internet, too.

It also would be great if we could help poor countries with the technology. The technology maybe can stop the hunger in the third world countries. There’s a new technology called genetic engineering which makes it possible to breed food. We only have to ship the food to the poor countries, I think this would be really helpful for them. Of course more helpful than just sending money. ;-)

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