Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Aug 2004 23:19    Titel:

I think that you shouldn't look up words in books except they are very important for understanding the story. Most of the unknown words can be understood in regard of the context. And if it should happen that you can't get a slight idea of the meaning, it's presumably not that important.
The 'Lord of the Ring'-books are also good to read.
BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Aug 2004 16:18    Titel:

Ya it sure is a problem to read english books, but I found a good link where one can finde summaries of almost every english book.

It gives you a brief summery of the book or a summary of each chapter. You can also finde characterisations of the main characters of the book.

It really helped me out Augenzwinkern
BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Aug 2004 21:07    Titel: English books

Hi Toxman,

I think it isn't too easy to read books in the English language. Once I tried to read a novel but had to look up at least three words on each page.

Just be optimistic, maybe someone will read your statement soon and you can exchange your opinions about it. What do think about adding a brief summary of the plot?

Ulli Augenzwinkern Wink
BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Aug 2004 16:12    Titel:

How sad, isn't there someone to talk about recent english books??
BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Aug 2004 19:38    Titel: Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Is someone here, whos has read any of their books? Except 'Reliquary' I've read each and am recently on their newest one 'Still Life with Crows'. I just can tell, that's their books are worth their money. Some Characters like Mr. FBI Special Agent Pendergast (a weird person Zunge raus ) comes along in several books, so it's useful but not obligatory to read them in order. Some fan around? Rock

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