Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Nov 2006 20:32    Titel: texte


danke für deine tipps, an die zeiten habe ich gar nicht gedacht! ich habe jetzt noch mal die fehler verbessert und hoffe es richtig gemacht zu haben.

hier noch einmal beide texte:


The short story “Murder in Washington D.C.”, written by Sören Fraas, is about a detective called John Monroe, who wants to clear up the bloody crimes at three politicans.

It happened in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, the dedective John Monroe examins the third corpse. The politican was assassinated again with poison. The wine bottle of the victim is poisoned and it’s label is marked with a black point by the murderer.

The three politicans were very dedicated to help Afro Americans to integrate them into society and all assassinated on the same way. While the detective is walking down the street, a leaflet is blown into his direction and so he read it. The text is about the assassination on Abraham Lincoln.

John Monroe begins to compare that with his murder case.

Then he concludes that the murderer must be a white man who is against Afro American people. So he searches in the police crime files for a hint of the murderer.

After intensive search he finds an underground organization from the 80’s called “The Black Dot” whose incorporation hated black people. At that time this organization was smashed, caught and imprisoned by the police. But one of his members called James Dawson has been discharged because the proofs against him were not conclusive enough.

Therefore detective John Monroe guesses that the underground organization “The Black Dot” is refounded by James Dawson.

The short story “Murder in Washington D.C.”, written by Sören Fraas, is about a detective called John Monroe, who wants to clear up the bloody crimes at three politicans.

The story is told from the point of view of the man, John Monroe, who searches for the murderer, who has assassinated three politicans in the same way. At first he thinks that the first victim commit suicide but after that three assassinations had happened in a row. Then John comes upon a hint - a black point at the poisoned wine bottles' labels from all the victims.

At the turning point John Monroe is given the right idea by a leaflet which is blown into his direction, therefore he reads it. On it is a text about Abraham Lincoln. Then he thinks about the murders in Washington and the assassination at Abraham Lincoln and compare them.

His result is that the murderer must be a white man who is against Afro Americans. In the police crime files he is able to connect the black dot from the bottles' label with an underground organization called "The Black Dot" after having investigated intensively.

He finds out that one members of this organization has been caught and discharged because the proofs were not conclusive enough. John Monroe is sure that the member called James Dawson is the murderer of the three politicans.

As usual for short stories the story has an open beginning and an open ending. The readers are not told anything, they do not know, for example when the story takes place, nothing more about the protagonist, who does have to do with the theme of the story which has been described above - murder in Washington and its clearing up.

The ending and the possibilities that it offers are more interesting. Either the detective Monroe caught James Dawson and imprisons him or he is not able to make it because Dawson is a bit smater than John.

wäre sehr nett wenn du das nochmal überarbeiten würdest. danke liane
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Nov 2006 19:56    Titel:

Zunächst einmal eine wichtige grundsätzliche Anmerkung:
Summaries, Inhaltsangaben etc. werden grundsätzlich in present tense verfasst!!! Nur wenn etwas vorzeitiges berichtet werden soll, kann ausnahmsweise auf past tense zurückgegriffen werden.

Ich fange mal mit deinem ersten Text an (das mit der Zeit musst du aber selber korrigieren:

The story (wie heißt sie denn?), written by Sören Fraas, is about a detective called John Monroe, who tried to clear up murders of three victims, who were all politicans, very dedicated to help Afro Americans to integrate themselves into society.

The story is told from the point of view of the man, John Monroe, who searches for the murderer, who had assassinated three politicans in the same way. At first he thought that the first victim committed suicide but after that three assassinations had happened in a row. Then John hits upon a hint - a black point at the poisoned wine bottle's (um wieviele Flaschen handelt es sich? Wenn es sich um mehrere handelt, musst du bottles' schreiben) labels from all the victims.

At the turning point John Monroe was given the right idea by a leaflet which was blown into his direction because on it was a text about Abraham Lincoln. (den Satz finde ich sehr verwirrend) Then He thinks about the murders in Washington and the assassination at Abraham Lincoln and compared them.

His result is that the murderer must be a white man who is against Afro Americans. In the police crime files he is able to connect the black dot from the bottle's (siehe oben) label with an underground organization called "The Black Dot" after having investigated intensively.

He finds out that one member of this organization has been caught and discharged because the proofs were not conclusive enough. John Monroe is sure that the member called James Dawson is the murderer of the three politicans.

As usual for short stroies (?) the story has an open beginning and an open ending. The readers are not told anything, they do not know, for example when the story takes place, nothing more about the protagonist, who does have to do with the theme of the story which has been described above - murder in Washington and its clearing up.

The ending and the possibilities that it offers are more interesting. Either the detective Monroe caught James Dawson and took (wenn du schon fälschlicherweise past tense benutzt, musst du das auch durchziehen wenn du present tense benutzt, dann aber bitte "takes", denn "he, she, it, das s muss mit"!!! him into imprisonment "to take s.o. into imprisonment" klingt für mich falsch, schreib doch einfach "imprisons him" or he is not able to make it because Dawson is a bit smarter than John.

One thing needs to complain: the hint " the black dot". Bei dem Satz ist absolut unklar, was du sagen möchtest. So wie du es geschrieben hast, bedeutet es: "Eine Sache muss sich beschweren". Ich nehme an, du möchtest sagen: "Über eine Sache muss man sich beschweren"? Das wäre:" One thing needs to be complained about. Das müsstest du dann aber schona uch noch begründen...

Anmerkung: Achte bitte ganz besonders auf SPO!!!

MfG Goldenhind
BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Nov 2006 17:06    Titel: die summary


hier ist die summary zu dem text:

The short story “Murder in Washington D.C.” is about a detective callled John Monroe, who wants to clear up the bloddy crimes at three politicans.

It happened in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, the dedective John Monroe examined the third corpse. The politican was assassinated again with poison. The wine bottle of the victim was poisoned and it’s label was marked with a black point by the murderer.

The three politicans were very dedicated to help Afro Americans to integrate them into society and all assassinated on the same way. While the detective was walking down the street, a leaflet was blown into his direction and so he read it. The text was about the assassination on Abraham Lincoln.
John Monroe began to compare that with his murder case.

Then he concluded that the murderer must be a white man who is against Afro American people. So he searched in the police crime files for a hint of the murder.

After intensive search he found an underground organization from the 80’s called “The Black Dot” whose incorporation hated black people. At that time this organization was smashed, caught and imprisoned by the police. But one of his members called James Dawson has been discharged because the proofs were not conclusive enough.

Therefore detective John Monroe guessed that the underground organization “The Black Dot” was refounded by James Dawson.

ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. thx liane

ps: ich brauch den text zu morgen abend
BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Nov 2006 15:49    Titel: Textanalyse und summary

hi leute,

wir sollen bis donnerstag eine textanalyse und eine inhaltsangabe schreiben, leider habe ich da noch einige probleme mit und wollte euch deshalb bitten euch den text durchzulesen und meine fehler zu verbessern, würde mich auch über die gründe der verbesserungen freuen. beim letzten absatz bin ich mir nicht sicher, weil ich nicht weiß ob der schwarze punkt wirklich ein symbol ist, nur weil er den entscheidenden beweis liefert.?

The story, written by Sören Fraas, is about a detective called John Monroe, who tried to clear up murders at three victims, who were all politicans, very dedicated to help Afro Americans to integrate them into society.

The story is told from the point of view of the man, John Monroe, who searches for the murderer, who had assassinated three politicans on the same way. At first he thought that the first victim committed suicide but after that had happened three assassinations in a row. Then John hits up on a hint - a black point at the poisoned wine bottle's labels from all the victims.

At the turning point John Monroe was given the right idea by a leaflet which was blown into his direction because on it was a text about Abraham Lincoln. Then He thinks about the murders in Washington and the assassination at Abraham Lincoln and compared them.

His result is that the murderer must be a white man who is against Afro Americans. In the police crime files he is able to connect the black dot from the bottle's label with an underground organization called "The Black Dot" when he has searched intensive.

He find out that one member of this organization has been caught and discharged because the proofs weren't conclusive enough. John Monroe is sure that the member called James Dawson is the murderer of the three politicans.

As usual the story has an open beginning and an open ending. The readers are not told anything, they do not know, for example when the story takes place, nothing more about the protagonist, who does have to do with the theme of the story which has been described above - murder in Washington and it's clearing up.

More interesting is the ending and the possibilities that it offers. Either the detective Monroe caught James Dawson and take him into imprisonment or he is not able to make it because Dawson is a bit smater then John.

One thing needs to complain: the hint " the black dot".

ok, das wärs fürs erste, danke an euch liane

ps: die summary poste ich hier auch noch mal und wir sollen höchsten 1000 wörter schreiben, wenn ihr noch vorschläge habt was rein könnte, nehme ich gerne an!

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