Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Mai 2006 20:36    Titel: Könnt ihr meinen Aufsatz korrigieren?


also wir haben heute aufbekommen einen kleinen Aufsatz (200 Wörter) über das folgende Thema zu schreiben:

How has science changed the lot of humans over the last 200 years? Have the changes been for better or for worse?

Hier meine Ausarbeitung, könnt ihr die mal schnell durchchecken, ob da irgendwelche Fehler drin sind? Grammatik und vokabelmäßig. Wäre natürlich super, wenn ihr auch Stilfehler und so korrigiert, da die Arbeit benotet wird.

The social norms in the 18. century and earlier were very bad. Hygiene didn’t really exist in today’s meaning. The effects were huge. The expected age averaged out (durchschnittlich betragen?) 40 years and people died from a normal cold. Medicinal products were inexistent and the basic knowledge of medical science was only known by few people.
In the 19. century sciences were finally born. The researches began to boom. Epidemics could be combatted and the expected age went up till 70 years. Due to biology and chemistry it was possible to develop medicines. Advances were made in the area of diagnosis and therapy of diverse diseases. The consequences were simple, less people died and the population exploded. Citys become bigger and bigger and the life of people changed from scratch. People could live unworried and took care of other sectors, like economy and politics. The whole social standards and community were turned upside down.
In my opinion there are positive and negative sides for this development. The growth of population is responsible for the destruction and pollution of environment and nature. But the general improvements in sciences are of course positive.

Vielen Dank & Grüße


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